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USA Powerlifting Empire Classic (WA-2025-03)
When: April 19, 2025 Meet Location: Spokane Convention Center 334 West Spokane Fall Blvd, Spokane, WA Registration fee: $140 (online registration only) Awards: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for each weight class and best lifter male and female This is a USA Powerlifting sanctioned event. Meet Director: Danna Snow dsnowpfz@gmail.com Registration Deadline: March 7, 2025 Hotel: There will not be hotel room rate for this event this year. There are many hotels near the venue for you to choose from. All…
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting Emerald Team Cup (WA-2025-06)
Meet Director: Sherri Nichols sherri@nicholshome.org Registration Deadline: March 1, 2025 This is a USA Powerlifting Sanctioned event. All rules of a regular Full Powerlifting event will apply with respect to equipment, uniform and setting records. This event is designed to showcase the TEAM. In regular powerlifting events, the athlete’s focus is on themselves and how they place related to everyone else in their class. This event is about working together as a team against other teams. Saturday –…
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting Emerald Master Cup (WA-2025-07)
**This meet is for Master lifters only and in conjunction with the USAPL Emerald Team Cup and The Emerald Cup IFBB Bodybuilding competition. Meet DirectorColleen Hansford / Graymadylen4@outlook.com Venue Host: Ribic Productions/Meydenbauer Convention Center, Bellevue, WA.Registration Link: https://form.jotform.com/.../231306.../EmeraldMastersCup2025 25 lifter, 1 platform, 1 session meetPreliminary Schedule for Lifting:• Sunday – May 4, 2025• LIFTER CHECK-IN: 7:00am• EQUIPMENT CHECK: 7:00am (No early equipment checks available)• WEIGH-IN: 7:30am-9:00am (No “night before” weigh ins)• LIFTING BEGINS: 9:30am If you are new to USA Powerlifting,…
Find out more »USA Powerlifting Washington Ladies of Iron (WA-2025-02)
**The location for this event has moved to Olympia High School (Olympia High School 1302 North Street SE, Olympia, WA 98501)** If you have questions regarding this event, please email Danna Snow at dsnowpfz@gmail.com Registration is Live (scroll to the bottom of the page) This event has two aspects to it: Each interested state will run a WOMEN ONLY event on the same date, May 17, 2025. Scoring will be done via LiftingCast. This will allow all competitors to compete against women all over…
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting Festival of Steel (WA-2025-08)
Where: CrossFit Chateau (19400 144th Ave NE suite A, Woodinville, WA 98072) Meet Director: Danna Snow - dsnowpfz@gmail.com Who can compete: This event is limited to the first 60 people who register. Any person age 8 years + is eligible to compete in this event as long as they are a current USA Powerlifting member. Get or renew your membership here. Raw, Raw with Wraps and Equipped divisions offered. Please read the rulebook if you are new to USA Powerlifting.…
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting Summer End (WA-2025-09)
Where: Odin's Strength Gym (809 NE Minnehaha St, Vancouver, WA 98665) Meet Director: Danna Snow - dsnowpfz@gmail.com This is an outdoor event. Who can compete: This event is limited to the first 60 people who register. Any person age 8 years + is eligible to compete in this event as long as they are a current USA Powerlifting member. Get or renew your membership here. Raw, Raw with Wraps and Equipped divisions offered. Please read the rulebook if you are new to USA Powerlifting.…
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting West Coast Regional Championships (RG-2025-04)
I link to more information will be added when it is available
Find out more »2025 USA Powerlifting Washington State Championship (WA-2025-10)
Where: Spokane Valley Event Center (10514 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley, WA 99206) Meet Director: Danna Snow - dsnowpfz@gmail.com *You can qualify for Nationals with this event. Who can compete: This event is limited to the first 240 people who register. Any person age 8 years + is eligible to compete in this event as long as they are a current USA Powerlifting member (even if it's your first event). Get or renew your membership here. You can set American records at this…
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